AN EXTRACT FROM SCIENCE_A FRAGMENT OF RELIGION Originally Composed in Hindi by Swami Samvit Somgiri ji Maharaj and translated by myself Rajni Chhabra into English SPIRITUALISM AND SCIENCE( CHAPTER 4) BY Dr. KIRAN NAHATA SENIOR SCHOLAR OF RAJASTHANI LANGUAGE Can there be any co ordination between spiritualism and science. We can say that science is in search of truth and spiritualism is also a pursuit for search of truth; hence, from this point of view, both are on the same path. But the truth about which we are talking is what is the viewpoint of science towards it and what is the viewpoint of religion regarding it. What is the source of approach used by science for knowing this truth and what sources are used by religion for knowing it. Science chiefly relies on intellectual proofs. Generally, a viewpoint that is not acceptable on intellectual level is not accepted by science. Whatever fact can’t be proved on level of experiments, science ...