WHITE PIGEON **************** Hi! I am a white pigeon With a heart as pure as gold I symbolize peace, love, honour Harmony and grace I represent Peace with God Innocence and purity On which I thrive. I live a life gifted with Outstanding vision To see the smallest organism And to solve all problems Bringing peace to all souls In all directions. I live a life gifted with thought Beyond imagination Which could bring Peace and harmony In all problems. These are the qualities That make me the most learned bird. That is why in all religions I am respected by all, Endowed with all these qualities I am known as The bird of Peace and harmony Internal right. I live a life with Only one wish That I could change human thought To think of Peace and harmony Grace and justice To bring the world To internal right! Prtyush Chhabra
VINCENT VAN GOG AUTHOR SPEAKS: KAVI ANURAG ******************************** IN CONTEXT OF THE POETRY BOOK 'BHULA HUA SA YAAD KUCH' ' (RECOLLECTING OBLIETRATED') ******************************************************************************** The world is rich with many great artists who are remembered for providing new heights to art, on dint of their original, distinct skills. But Vincent Van Gogh holds a distinct status. He is remembered as much for his contribution to Painting as for his sacrifice and dedication towards Art. In spite of sufferings, agony and failures on every step pf life, he was always associated with colors and canvas, even during his lunacy. Not even for a single moment, he nurtured any doubt for Art. His craze for art provides energy and vigour to the artists even in present times. This attribute makes him distinct from other artists and this is a testimony to his dedication that he lost everything, even life in the end-- but did not leave colo...
Rajni Chhabra is a prolific poet with a diverse range of works. Some of her notable poetry collections include: - Aspiration ¹ - Baat Sirf Itani Si ¹ ² - Mortgaged ³ - Maiden Step ³ - Hone Se Na Hone Tak (Hindi poetry) ³ - Language Fused In Blood ² - Let The Birds Chirp ² - Recollecting Obliterated: Poetry About Vincent Van Gogh ⁴ - Sky is the Limit (English transversion of Rajasthani poems) ² ⁵ - First Flight (poems for kids) Edited Poems of Prtyush Chhabra Her poetry explores various themes and emotions, showcasing her skill and creativity. If you're interested in learning more about Rajni Chhabra's work or purchasing her books, you can visit online bookstores like India NetBooks or Amazon.in ¹ ² ⁵ ⁴. Rajni Chhabra's poetry google.c om Rajni Chhabra's poetry explores themes of hope, inspiration, and the human experience. Her work has been well-received, and she has also written books on numerology and nameology. Rajni Chhabra is a renowned poet, and her...
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