
Showing posts from November, 2016

Distinct Earth poem of Dr Neeraj Daiya translated into English 23/11/2016

DISTINCT EARTH So many days have passed Not to mention days So many years have passed We have not seen each other. This small earth is expanding Day by day On the same earth We have created our own Distinct earth. RAJNI CHHABRA


मित्रों, आज आपके साथ सांझा कर रही हूँ, बंगाली के ख्यातिनाम कवि काज़ी नज़रुल इस्लाम की सुप्रिसद्ध बंगाली कविता 'मानुष' का मेरे द्धारा किया गया हिंदी में अनुवाद/उन्होंने देशभक्ति पर आधारित १००० से अधिक गीत लिखे और विद्रोही कवि के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हैं/मेरा यह अनुवाद कार्य बंगलादेश के प्रसिद्ध कवि श्यामल कुमार द्धारा मानुष कविता के इंग्लिश अनुवाद पर आधारित है/ Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Bengali poet, writer, musician, and revolutionary. He is the national poet of Bangladesh. I feel honoured that my fb friend Shyamal Kumar Majumder, poet and translator from Bangladesh assigned me liability of translating Bengali Poem of KAZI NAZRUL ISLAAM into Hindi. My translation is based on English Translation sent to me by poet Shyamal Kumar Majumder.  Translated poem of Kazi Nazrul Islam's Manush কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের মানুষ কবিতা Manush (Man) -By Kazi Naztul Islam Let us sing the song of equality As man is more superior and unparalleled to any other beings, Having no disparity depending on t...

translated poem from AKANKSHA

On physical plane Some on mental level Some delicate meditative feelings Some colorful and ornamented Some partially split and divided Some like pathetic wounds All these are not embodied Still thrive in dreams. And tighten their grip On horizon of mind. A Hindi poem from AKANKSHA by Dr Sanjeev kumar, translated into English with his consent.

BE A ROSE translated by Shyamal kumar Majumder

BE A ROSE Don't awe Don't get tense By dark times In your life Just glance at the Silvery line Flashing on Margins of Dark clouds. When mild sun shines After cold nights Its tender touch Makes bloom Every corner of orchid Beauty of life lies In bearing alike Thick and thin of life With cool repose A rose is crowned with glory Only after passing through Long journey of thorns. গোলাপ হও ভয় ভীতি নয় নয় কোনো উদ্বেগ -উৎকন্ঠা জীবনের কৃষ্ণকায় দিনে কাল মেঘের সীমানায় রূপোলী আলোক রেখা নাও চিনে। হিম-শীতল রাত্রী পেরিয়ে যখন সূর্য মুচকি হাসে দিকে দিকে অর্কিডেরা ফোটে রোদের কোমল পরশে। জীবনের সৌন্দর্যরূপ সুসময় এবং দু:সময় একইভাবে ধারণ ধীর- স্থির- শৈল স্বরূপ। একমাত্র কন্টকাকীর্ণ দীর্ঘ পথ শেষে গোলাপ-মাধুরী হাসে। Poem( English) by : Rajni Chhabra Translated ( Bengali) : Shyamal Kumar Majumder 08 Nov 2016.