
1.Aidan Singh Bhati


2. Arjun Dev Charan

Girls Going to School, She Possesses, Daughter

3. Atul Kanak

Daughter in Mumbai: A Few Ideographs

4.  Ashok Joshi Krant

Your Touch, Dreams, Holding Your Finger

5. Basanti Panwar

Honesty, War

6. B.L. Paras 

I am not Scared of Kim Jong, Fence

7. C.P. Dewal

Why is He So?

8. Deendayal Sharma

Child, City

9. Dinesh Charan 

  Children and Blossoms, Concern

10. Dushyant

Letter-box, Incessantly

11. Harish Bhadani

It is not Me

12. Ila Pareek

What to Scribble?

13. Inder Singh Rajpurohit

Golden Days, Waiting Endlessly

14. Jai Shree Kanwar

Mahender Moomal, Lively Conversation

15. Jitendra Kumar Soni

Dreams of Father Sitting on Footpath, Creation

16. Kanahaiya Lal Sethia 

I Get Myself Stung, Grazes, scars, Pond is Devoid of Water 

17.Krishna Sinha

How to Compose Poem, You Impart Meaning

18. Kumar Ajay

When I will Extinct

19. Kundan Mali

While Departing

20. Madan Gopal Ladha 

Upcoming Sunday. I don't Trust Dictionary, Till That Time

21. Madhu Acharya

Drought of Affection, Change, Who Pays Heed?

22. Mangat Badal

Halloo of Sand, My Spring

23. Meethesh Nirmohi

I Entrust  You With, A Noon in Desert, Turmoil and Grandma

24. Mohan Alok

Map, His Creation

25.Monika Gour

Annoyed Moon, Dew, Shackles 

26. Nand Bhardwaj

In Wee Hours, Reliable Words

27.Narayan Bhati, 

Azure, Loneliness, It is Difficult to Teach Human-race

28. Navneet Pandey

Unquenched, Disparities, Tide of Time

29.Neelam Pareek

Where is my Sky, Sapling of Love, On Spinning Wheel of Heart

30.Neeraj Daiya

Expanse Filled with Sand, Hunks of Sand, Deception to Deer, Language Fused in Blood

31. Nishant

He and We, Trick, Mother-tongue, Adverse Times

32. Om Purohit Kagad

Love, Unushered, Shrine of Love, My Dream in Your Eyes, Reveries

33. Paras Arora

Map, Account -keeping, Darkness and Brightness

34. Rajendra P Joshi

When will Wounds Heal, All  Around

35. Rajender Sharma Musafir

Change, Not Traceable

36. Rajesh Kumar Vyas

We are not Your Servants, Does Time Ever Stop?

37. Raj Bijarnia

Hiroshima-Nagasaki, Craftsmanship, Awe of Border

38. Ramswrup kissan

Solo Ox, Let Us Chat

39. Ravi Purohit

This Line of Destiny, Agony of Reveries, You won't Understand, Fragrance of Reveries

40. Reena Menaria

Returned Blank, Daughter

42. Sanghmitra Rathore

Waiting, You-You and You 

43.Sanay Varun

I will Never Learn, You didn't Learn Love, I won't be Able to Do So, Take Light

44.Sanju Shrimali

Identity, I know

45, Santosh Mayamohan

Recall, I am Creeper, My Craving, Sparrow, Stars,Freedom

46. Sanwar Daiya

Nurturing Dreams, Own Creations, An Earthen Lamp, In the Art Gallery of My Heart

47. Sapna Verma

Grass and Woman, To Be Alone, Art

48, Satish Chimpa

Angelina Jolly and Samesta, 

49. Sharda Krishna

     Money Plant

50. Shyam Maharshi

School, Girls of Village, I Know

51. Sundar Parakh

Patched Heart, Shattering of Heart, Heart-beats, Anguish


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