
Showing posts from October, 2024


ख़ामोशी  ******* निराश कर देती है  तुम्हारी खामोशी यदा -कदा  अचम्भित हो जाती हूँ मैं देखकर  तुम और तुम्हारा व्यवहार  मेरे और मेरी घटनाओं  के प्रति  मैं विश्लेषण करती हूँ  अवलोकन करती हूँ  तुम्हारा और तुम्हारे शब्दों का  कभी कभी अनुभव करती हूँ  तुम्हारी अनुनाद  कभी कभी एहसास होता है  तुम्हारी निराशा का  मुझे अंदाज़ होता है  तुम्हारे दोहरे व्यक्तित्व का  कभी कभी में पाती हूँ तुम्हे  कुछ उलझा उलझा सा  कभी द्वैधता झलकती है  तब, मैं तुमसे आशा करती हूँ  विनम्रता की  अवहेलित होने पर  उम्मीद रखती हूँ  तुम्हारी कृपा दृष्टि की  विनम्र पृथक पक्वता के साथ  फिर भी, तुम प्राथमिकता देते हो यदि  मौन शरीर संरचना को  मैं प्रतीक्षा करती हूँ  तुम्हारी प्रतिक्रिया की  मैं प्रयत्नशील रहती हूँ  फिर से पाने को तुम्हारा ध्यान  अगर भाग्य साथ दे जाये  मैं आश्वस्त हो जाती हूँ  तुम्हारा ध्यान पाने की उपलब्धि के प्रति/     लोपमुद्रा मिश्रा के मूल...


Balloon Seller ***********  It was week-end. We planned to dine out in our favourite hotel. It is pleasant to spend some quality time with family, after a hectic week in office. Near the parking area, a half clad, young boy of about eight years was selling balloons. Multi-colored balloons seemed very tempting. And the way, in which that little boy was inviting all to buy these, seemed still more imploring. My grandson insisted on buying two big balloons. I asked him, " Is one balloon not enough for you? Why are you insisting upon two?'' The answer that he gave, simply left me dumb-founded. He said, "Granny, of course, I need only one for myself. But, I am insisting on buying two as I will love to gift the other one to this little balloon seller. He is selling balloons whole day, to render support to his family. I am sure, he does not have money to spend for buying one for himself ". Impressed by his empathy, I consented to buy two, instead of one. The gleam of ha...


 IN THE DARK CORNER ********************** Away from hustle bustle of  picnic spot, a ripe-aged man was standing in a dark corner of park, was taking puffs of cigarette. Enjoying smoking, he was interrupted by an inquisite young man, who was curious to know why that old man was standing there alone, puffing cigarette. The old man replied that he was smoking in that dark corner of the park, because he did not want to be observed by his son.  Abruptly, he observed that young man, too, was holding cigarette in his hand and was about to take puff. The old man asked him, "Why are you standing in this deserted corner, leaving the joy of company of others?" The young man replied, "I don't want to be noticed by my parents that I smoke" Rajni Chhabra 22/10/2024

Most Popular Poems of Rajni Chhabra

Rajni Chhabra is a prolific poet and author with numerous works to her name. Here are some of her notable poems and publications: - *Poetry Collections*     - __Baat Sirf Itani Si__     - __Aspiration__     - __Let the Birds Chirp__     - __Sky is the Limit__     - __Language Fused In Blood__     - __Haven to Soul__     - __Mortgaged__     - __Maiden Step__ ¹ ² ³ - *Rajasthani Poetry Translations*     - __Sky is the Limit: English Transversion of Rajasthani Poems__ ³ - *Children's Poetry*     - __First Flight (Poems for Kids)__ ³ - *Hindi Poetry*     - __Hone Se Na Hone Tak__     - __Pighlate Himkhand__ ² Rajni Chhabra's poetry explores themes of hope, inspiration, and the human experience. Her work has been well-received, and she has also written books on numerology and name ology  Rajni Chhabra is a renowned poet, and here are some of her most popular poems: - *...

Patient is Patient

  Patient is Patient *************** The patient, lying next to my bed,  had met with a severe accident and was hospitalized. He had multiple fractures, broken teeth, injuries on face and several other parts of body. Was not able to move, not able to sleep properly. In spite of his plight, he had no grudging at all. Doctor came on round and inquired about his condition. He asked him whether he has any other problem. The patient nodded his head. He said to Dr.,"My only problem is that whenever, I try to laugh heartily, my stitches don't allow me to do so". Rajni Chhabra 21/10/2024

Every Problem has a Solution

  EVERY  PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION ********************************** I am recalling an episode of my college days in 1971. I had just got admission for my Graduation in Govt. College for Women, Srinagar. Was not knowing even a little bit of Kashmiri language. Not having any friend circle at all. There was no trend of water purifiers or water coolers those days. For quenching thirst, you had to go to tap, open it and drink water by cupping your palms. Sometimes, there used to be long queues and students thronged near tap. Ragging was full on. When, I was waiting for my turn, some senior students called me and ordered me to fetch leaves for them, from a shrub nearby. The moment, I plucked leaves, itching started badly on my hands and arms. It was beyond my tolerance. I was getting so restless. Even washing hands could not fetch me relief. Worst part of the whole episode was that those merciless students were laughing heartily on my plight.  In the meantime, another group of s...


 1. Crossing the Road    **************** School was just over and some students were standing, waiting to cross the road. One of the boys observed an old lady, hesitatingly standing on the road and waiting for somebody to help her cross the road. He immediately rushed to her, held her hand and helped her cross the road smoothly. The other boys asked him, “Why are you helping her? Is she your grandmother?” The boy promptly replied, “She is not my grandmother; but she is surely grandmother of some or other fellow, who is not here right now to help her. So, it is my duty to help her.” Rajni Chhabra


 Rajni Chhabra is a poetess, writer, and educator. Her poetry often explores themes of nature, love, spirituality, and social issues. Here's one of her poems: "Whispers of the Wind" "The wind whispers secrets in my ear Of far-off lands and memories so dear It carries scents of blooming flowers And stories of forgotten hours In its gentle breeze, I find my peace A sense of calm, my worries release Like autumn leaves, my fears rustle away As the wind's soft whispers stay In the silence, I hear its voice A gentle reminder of life's choice To let go, to flow, to be free Like the wind, wild and carefree.


  Rajni Chhabra is a prolific poet with a diverse range of works. Some of her notable poetry collections include: - Aspiration ¹ - Baat Sirf Itani Si ¹ ² - Mortgaged ³ - Maiden Step ³ - Hone Se Na Hone Tak (Hindi poetry) ³ - Language Fused In Blood ² - Let The Birds Chirp ² - Recollecting Obliterated: Poetry About Vincent Van Gogh ⁴ - Sky is the Limit (English transversion of Rajasthani poems) ² ⁵ - First Flight (poems for kids) Edited Poems of Prtyush Chhabra Her poetry explores various themes and emotions, showcasing her skill and creativity. If you're interested in learning more about Rajni Chhabra's work or purchasing her books, you can visit online bookstores like India NetBooks or ¹ ² ⁵ ⁴. Rajni Chhabra's poetry google.c om Rajni Chhabra's poetry explores themes of hope, inspiration, and the human experience. Her work has been well-received, and she has also written books on numerology and nameology. Rajni Chhabra is a renowned poet, and her...


 TWO DAYS INTERDISCIPLINARY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CULTURE, VALUES AND ETHICS & WORLD POETRY CONFERENCE IN PUNE Two days interdisciplinary Conference on Culture,  Values and Ethics  was organized by the Department of English , Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahavidhalya, Aundh, Pune, in collaboration with International Academy of Ethics, Chandigarh. The Conference was inaugurated by Dr. Suresh Gosavi, Vice-Chancellor, SPPU, Pune, Sh.Chanderkanta Delvi( Former IAS, Chairman of the RAyat Sikshan Sanstha and literary icon Dr. Jernail Singh Anand,  the President International Academy of Ethics Dr. Maja Herman Sekulic, globally known poet and Scholar from Serbia-U S was the Conference Chair while Dr. Dragan Stanic , Oresident of Mtica SPRASKA,( Serbian Motherbee) was the Primary Guest of Honour. Other Honourable Guests were Dr. Kalpana Purohit (Keynote Speaker) , Dr. Lakshmi Banerji, Former Vice-Chancellor, Kalhan University, Jharkhand,, Dr. Bina Singh, Former HOD Engli...


  ETHICS The word Ethics comes from the ancient Greek Word 'ethos' which means character and personal dispositions. It is the philosophical study of moral phenomena. Ethics the study of moral principles and how people should behave in different situations. It includes ideas about what is right and wrong. It basically explores topics such as how to live a good life, rights and responsibilities and moral decisions. It also involves examining one’s own standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. ETHICS is pragmatic with deep meaning. It is an amalgam of several qualities: E: Earnestness T: Truthfulness H: Humanitarianism I: Integrity C: Communal harmony S: Social sensibility Allow me to elaborate these qualities Earnestness: It denotes seriousness and zeal in intention, purpose or effort, depth and sincerity of feeling. If you speak with conviction and earnestness, people watching and listening will believe you. Truthfulness: the quality of...

Presenting my poem in the International Poetry Conference, organized in ...


My poetry recitation in the World Poetry Conference, Pune , on 15th Octo...



 When the tree caught fire All the birds flew away It was but natural that They had to fly away But one sparrow While about to move,  turned back  She nurtured a thought in her mind She felt as if leaves of the tree are Its thousand eyes Looking at flying birds. Nearby was a pond Filling water from pond, in her beak The sparrow started sprinkling the water On that burning tree A traveller passed by The sparrow narrated to him Fire of the tree will not be extinguished By my beak-ful of water Still, I think  Whenever, history of the forest will be written My name will be mentioned as one Who put efforts to put off fire And upcoming generations of these trees will say When we catch fire Most of scared birds fly away But some return to us. After listening to the sparrow The traveller, too, started Sprinkling water on the tree One after another More and more travellers  Reached the spot And thousands of birds too returned Holding water in their beaks It is known that...