English and Rajasthani Folk Literature: A Study of Human Emotions
English and Rajasthani Folk Literature: A Study of Human Emotions
Questionnaire: Sanghmitra Rathore
Response : Rajni Chhabra
1. What is folk literature and what is its importance?
Folk literature, also called folklore or oral tradition, the lore (traditional knowledge and beliefs) of cultures having no written language.
2. How is folk literature different from written literature?
Oral literature or folk literature is a literature that is spoken or sung as opposed to that which is written, though much oral literature has been transcribed.
Folk literature is in form of verbal communication. It has been handed over to us over centuries , whereas written literature arrived at later stages and generally embeds contemporary issues.
3. What makes Rajasthani folk literature special?
Rajasthani folk literature is so distinguished as it envisages glorious past, glorifies personalities of gallant rulers, valour of warriors, traditions and social customs, rituals associated with various aspects of life. It has a magnetic charm which attracts masses and they enjoy it and their sentiments are unified with folk literature.The folk literature of Rajasthan is rich, varied and lively. The folk literature comprises the folk songs or Lok Geet; ballads etc.
4. What have been the stages of the emergence and development of Rajasthani folk literature?
The folk literature of Rajasthan is rich, varied and lively. The folk literature comprises the folk songs or Lok Geet; ballads or Lok Gatha; folktales .Embedded deep into the Rajasthani culture lies the tales of brave kings and queen; of animals, farmers and nobles and of sacrifice and love. These folktales tell us the day-to-day struggles of Rajasthani people. These live deep in the desert facing challenges amidst the sand dunes every day.
5. What is the relevance of Rajasthani folk literature at present?
It is a gateway through which we pass to acquaint ourselves with our splendid past .
6. What is the place of Rajasthani folk literature in global literature and what are its possibilities in future?
At present, Rajasthani folk literature does not hold much significance in global literature, as it has not been rendered ample exposure. But, it has bright future ahead. Documentation of Rajasthani folk literature is in progress now and it will definitely prove a great step in acquainting it with readers on global level.
I feel elated that Govt. Archives of Bikaner is taking massive steps in this direction and Govt. is providing huge funds for its documentation. Recently, in a cultural event organized in Bikaner, I chanced to view a love letter written in 168 idioms, in Rajasthani , addressed to Founder king of Bikaner, Ganga Singh Ji, which was handed over to literary icon of Bikaner, Dr. Neeraj Daiya for translation into Hindi, by Dr Mahendra Khadgawat, Director of Govt. Archives, Bikaner. Once, it is done , it will be further translated into English as target language and then may be in other regional languages and on International front too.
Such sort of moves are very motivational for bright future of Rajasthani folk literature for gaining wider recognition.
7. Despite having such a rich literature, what are the reasons for the ignorance of Rajasthani literature at the global level?
It can be deemed as misfortune of Rajasthani literature that in spite of its richness, it has failed to reach at the global level. It has remained confined to a limited circle, as it has been not amply translated into other languages. Translation acts as bridge between languages as it promotes chances of it reaching across local and National boundaries.
8. Can Rajasthani literature be as popular as foreign literature? If yes then in what way?
Yeah, I am very hopeful for glimmering identity of Rajasthani Literature as foreign literature. Its translation in various languages is requisite for its flight in literary horizon of foreign literature.
9. What is the contribution of Rajasthani folk literature in Indian literature and what is its present place?
Rajasthani folk literature is contributing considerably in Indian Literature. The heroic sentiment which is the essence of every song and couplet of a Rajasthani is peculiar emotion of its own of. Similarly, the passions conveyed in legendary love stories of Moomal, Dhola Maru etc. cast a deep spell on the readers and bind them to literature. Indian Literature is enriched by sagas and tales of immortality of gallant warriors, love stories and tales of glorious traditions.
10. How can Rajasthani folk literature present its problems and possibilities to the researchers?
The Researchers will have to dive deep in the ocean of folk literature and exploit all the resources available to them.
11. How are emotions important to literature?
Emotions are the strings that tie sentimental and voracious readers together.
12. How do literary sentiments universally connect readers all over the world?
Literary sentiments act as a unifying agent to connect readers all over the world, just as sublime music connects audience on global level. Once, these literary sentiments stir chords of your mind, you are all bound to be captivated universally.
13. How human emotions are equally reflected in the civilizations of the whole world?
Love, hate, pity, awe, compassion, fascination and many more are the human emotions that are equally reflected in the civilizations world wide through literature, music and mutual understanding.
14. If Rajasthani folk literature is composed in the English language, will it affect the readers globally in the same way as it affects the Rajasthani readers?
If this brilliant project in accomplished, it will pave a long way and brighten the corridor of global literature. It is sure to cast a magical spell world wide.
15. If English literature is translated into Rajasthani language, will it affect the Rajasthani reader as much as the English reader?
Translation of English literature into Rajasthani as target language will create an impact on the minds of Rajasthani readers surely, as they too wish to keep their vision brightened by quality literature across boundaries of their own language.
16. What message would you like to give to young writers and researchers?
Young writers and researchers today have boon of various resources to attain their targets and establish recognition. Libraries, archives and internet provide supple food for their minds. The more you are competent to utilize it, the better are chances of your success in galaxy of literature and research associated with it.
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