Review of First Flight

  Review of Prtyush Chhabra’s First Flight 

First flight like name, so poetry collection. First Flight is Prtyush Chhabra's first publication as a poet. The kind of words and sentiments reflected in his writings indicate his future as an outstanding writer. The meaning of name Prtyush is – ‘Dawn’ and like the dawn, Prtyush has emerged in the field of literature. After deep night, the first ray of sun at dawn takes the whole world out of darkness and fills it with life and movement. Prtyush's poetry collection 'First Flight' is a very beautiful and wonderful flight in the sky of literature. His poems are a unique mixture of curious thoughts and feelings born in a child's mind. Children see the world through a queen's prism. Their fantasies and feelings infuse life into inanimate objects as well. Prtyush has covered various aspects of life in his poems. In his poem 'Pigeon', where he invites the pigeon to fly high in the sky by feeding it, in his another poem 'Bird in a Cage' he expresses his pain after seeing a bird in imprisonment. He has displayed the wishes of childhood in a very beautiful way in his poems as in; An Innocent Wish, Bubble Gum and Toffee, What to Eat, Lend me your Wings, Wings etc. At the same time, he has also revealed important experiences of his life in his poems. Like in the poem called Police Station, he writes about his tour to a police station. The joy of Sunday is told in the poem Sunday is My Day. How much children love rain and the enthusiasm of the children's mind to play in the rain has been written in his poem Rain. The happiness brought to the mind by the colours of the rainbow has been displayed in a poem called Rainbow. In the poem A Visit to Shimla, the travelogue is told in the form of Shimla tour. He has composed his love and care for nature in the following poems; where he opposes the work of making clothes by snatching the wool of innocent sheep in Fur Coats. In the poem Clear Blue Water, he leads the essential thinking of the new generation on the importance of water and preventing pollution. In Give me a Seed Poem, he talks about saving trees and protecting the environment. Despite being quite young in age, the author deeply contemplates the global situation and describes the sufferings in life due to the corona epidemic in his poem COVID. Rajni Chhabra Ji has assisted Prtyush in this beautiful poetry compilation. The tree of Prtyush's talent will touch the depths of thoughts and heights of success altogether with his knowledge and portrayal of his experiences. Prtyush's poetry collection under the guidance of Rajni ji presents the feelings of the child’s heart in a very beautiful way. Best wishes to Prtyush for his bright future.

 Sanghmitra Rathore 

Research Scholar, Translator & Reviewer

Parbatsar ( Rajasthan)



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