Have you ever heard 

halloo of sand

Screech of sand

With unquenched thirst

Where water is

A pleasant dream

For tired eyes

Craving for a single droplet of water

Moving tongue on parched lips

How limitlessly 

Sand is in love with water

Perhaps, you are not familiar with it

It is known to trees of *khejree and *phogla

Or else, * Rohira knows about it

Who smilingly sings even during

Black and yellow sand-storm

Songs of sensibility of sand

Sand is nor merely sand

Hitherto, you will find colourful fancies

The fateful day, when sand will clamor 

The whole history will change

You will just keep on beholding

Over here too

New blossoms will bloom. 

* khejree* Phogla and *Rohira vegetations in deserts


 For you

Spring might be in 

The month of *Falgun

Over here, if in month of *Ashadh

If clouds burst

And Bajra gets firmly rooted

Spreading all-over 

Creepers of *kakadia and *mateera

*Moong and *Mout

Cover entire ground

Then, all the seasons are 

Less significant than

*Sawan and *Bhadon

This is desert! Desert!!

All the seasons are different here

From the rest of world

Here, old age follows childhood

God know, who tears away

Page of youth

Life is a total strife 

With each and every breath

In the pin-drop silence of night

Even sand seems to be humming

Nature here plays

Novice, diverse roles

In this scorching ocean of sand

On the slopes of sand-dunes

*Khejra tree is standing on one leg

Like an obstinate hermit

Utterly occupied in deep meditation

And *kamedhi ushering in scorching noon

Seems to be busy singing hymn

Like a devotee

Each and every creature here

Struggles with life

In each and every breath

Such a picturesque effect

Can you find anywhere else

Where Falgun

Bestows flowers with distinct colours?

*Falgun: Month of February-March

* Ashadh: Month in rainy season

Sawan * Bhadon : months of Monsoon

*Kakriya * vegetation in desert area

 Mateera: pulpy, juicy fruit in desert

* Moong * Mout:  cereals grown in deserts

* Khejra; a  tree in desert

* Kamedhi : a singing bird in Rajasthan


  1. Much grace in both poems from desert land. Rajasthan. Halloo of sand & My Spring in month of. Falgun. Sand indeed is in love with water. It craves for drizzle of rain water. The plants like. Khejuree,. Phogla &Rohira grow in sand and always have thirst for water drops. All seasons are cyclic in desert land too. Vegetation in sand areas like Kakriya,. Mateera and. Moong sprout in Sandy soil in the season of Spring. Trees like. Khejra & singing
    bird like Kamethi bloom in Rajasthan during the. Spring season. In fact every creature in desert land struggles for life for want of water. Beautifully penned poems in flavor of effect of sandy soil. Thank you Rajni. Chhabra ji for spreading wisdom about life in. Rajasthan

  2. My heartiest thanks to you for comprehensive comment, elaborating life of hardships in desert areas, but enjoying life with indomiatable will, accepting it as challenge


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