Tokri : Hindi Poem by Shakuntala Sharma English version by Rajni chhabra
An innocent girl
I am doll of my grandmother
My grandmother is the best in whole universe
Around broad hem of her saree
I often noticed
A basket
Grandmother would place it up
Cleaning, wiping and placing it up
On a loft
Observed it every morning and evening
I grew up a bit
On a fateful day
Grandmother handed over that basket
To my mother
And my mother
Watched it with a longing
Always putting something in it
Toys...handcrafted by her
Recipes... prepared by her
Garland of beads of wisdom
And plenty of narratives of experience
Whatever she learnt, filled the basket with it
Neither let it remain empty
Nor did she use it
While departing from threshold of father
And moving to threshold of husband
My mother handed over the basket to me
I fetched with me the basket of grandmother
Filled that basket
But did not place on loft like my mother
I utilized countless bounties
In the basket enriched with
Narratives of experience
Enchanting art
I kept on adding to it
My life was full of bounties
Being a diligent lady
I distributed the contents of basket
Among needy people
Kept on distributing
And distributing
Caravan moved on
And kept moving
This basket of three generations
Got emptied
And filled again
Got emptied
And refilled
It imposed a question on me
I pondered
Why did grandmother keep it empty?
She possessed everything
Mother filled it and handed over to me
Why she did not avail anything out of it?
In response to this question
I explained to my daughter today
It was in slumber since long
But has awaked today
This is the secret of this basket!
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