During my entire journey
I could not find a wall
Behind which I could conceal your reveries
When I miss you badly
That moment, clouds scatter
Towards your village
Neither you, nor me have the capability of
Removing those clouds instantly
Why are clouds so jealous of us
Whenever, I miss you
This cloud comes in between us
If you don't believe me--ask that cloud
Whether I miss you or not
The episode that pricks you
The same flows in my veins, too
It is years, since we are waiting for each other
We could never meet on turn of that cross-road
But, the mountain across which you are
I am on the other end of the same
This mountain exists between us
We can climb on mountain
If we intend so
But, we can not climb, why?
Ask that mountain only
Why can't we climb?
You and me are not very far-off
The cloud behind which you are
I am also behind that cloud
And the way in which
We are leading our lives
There is no difference in it
Life that you are leading in a different way
Same life, I am leading in a different way
Why should we deem this little bit of difference
As difference at all!
I rejoice in your happiness
You grieve in my sorrow
Then what difference exists in
Comfort and discomfort of yours and mine ?
And, where lies the difference in your and my joy
The same joy makes you laugh
I, too, laugh in the same joy
Then, why to deem it as difference
This little bit of difference !
I deem this tiff
As meaningless
I treat your victory as mine
If you treat my defeat as yours
Then what is the point
That we indulge in tiff !
I miss you badly
Ask that overcasting cloud between us
We are nor very far-off
The mountain across which you are
I am also on the other end of the same.
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