1. Always around Me

2. Horizon

3. Potter

4. Doubt

5. Inauspicious Signs

 6. Identity

7. Towards which Direction

8. Chameleon

9. Fistful of Hope

10. Transformation

11. Resolution 

12. Dignity 


14. Mask

15. Prevalence

16. India Dwells in Villages

17. Dreams

18. Darkness

19. Karan

20.The Earth Imparts Strength

21. Chakarvyuh

22. Silence      

23. Hills Changing Attire  

24. Parents are Our God

25. Tortoise

26. Traffic

27. Greetings

28. Confusion

29. Tiny Girl

30. Home Turning into House

31. Don't Women Get Tired?

32. White and Black

33. Criticism

34. Rural Evening Walk

35. Paint    

36. Red Ink

37. Wings of Love

38. Rectification

39. News

40. Boundaries of Time

41, Village Awakens

42. Dawn in Village

43. Meanness

44. Ground

45. Noble Deeds

46. Labyrinth of Moments

47. Wave of Pang

48. Diamonds and Pearls

49. Joy

50. Let Love Persist



I have innervation, every moment

That you are with me, 

In darkness, you appear

Like first ray of  dawn,

Ushering in of Autumn,

Bud blooming on tree,

Diffusing  fragrance,

In ambience

Mild aroma 

Mingling in physique

Inhaling and exhaling breath


Persistent hope

Hovering all-around

Pleasure dwells

Inward and outward.

Innocent infant

Sees with unblinking eyes

Full- moon showers


After intense humid heat

Clouds drizzling,

Crazy Monsoon arrives


Dance of peacock,

As if dance of soul

Musical notes of *Mridang

Overpowering of trance

In each and every pore of body

Makes me feel that

You are around me

Waves surge in heart,

Always remain around me!

*Mridang : a drum used in Indian music



Persistence of the Earth

Vastness of sky,

Comprises in you

Comprises in us,

Complete reality of 

The whole Universe is

As much unsolved riddle 

As horizon,

Horizon is the mid-point of 

Meeting of 

The Earth with sky, 

The centers are physical embodiment of,

The touch

From birth to death,

Perceptible alike, beyond grasping

Beyond our reach,  across

What is contained in these, 

Wherefrom it originated

We are like horizon

Or horizon is like us,

Of what kind we are

How is horizon, 

Only He knows

Whom nobody could understand,

Creator of horizon 

And of human-beings.



What sort of  clay

Those moulds, those colors,

Those pulsating sounds,

Life-nurturing herbs,

With which are moulded countless

Individuals, birds and animals, moths

Ants, aquatic animals, chirpers,

Rivers, streams, vegetation

Thickets-orchids, clouds, sky,

Diverse varieties

Nothing is identical. 

Distinct in itself,

Variety of shapes, of different kinds.

Countenance is unique

Complexion, features, sound

All shapes are different,

Planets, constellations, the Moon, the Sun, stars

All are unique 

For creating variety of 

Distinct creations, 

How do you manage material--

Where from you fetch--

Mottoed, bright 

Clay and efficiency

We are not able to create dito no

Even a statue of clay,

Nor even a flawless painting,

Each and every object of nature/ creation,

Diverse creatures, 

Fetch us a glimpse only,

Of that great, refined craftsmanship,

Limitless vigour and capability,

Endless,  beyond imagination is

That manufacturer, that Creator,

Predominance that is apparent

Seems like a drop in ocean. 

We all perform, what He makes us perform

We all see, what He makes us see

He endows us with vision

He is the Creator of this Universe


Countless creatures are 

Created at His will

Dance to his tunes

But where is He, how does He look-like--

That juggler, our potter

Where is that construction site

Wherefrom has been fetched 

Variety of clay

Those moulds, those colors

Those pulsating sounds

Those life-nurturing herbs.

4. DOUBT   


You always have your way

Whenever you feel like 

Whatsoever you wish

You jot down

Am I a poem?

Doing utmost efforts

So many times

I reached at door of Salvation

Kept waiting in queue of


Prior to entering

Throw me again

On paper of world

For diffusing and wandering

Beholding black and white landscape

You pick brush

Put colours in it

Am I a painting?

Observing me sitting still

You install battery in me

So that I start moving

Am I a toy?

You decorate a background

To amuse me and cheat me

Baffle me with

Enchanting scenes

Am I a character of movie?

Throwing nets of 

Greed and illusion

Capture me in these

Am I your prey?

 Entire day-night

You make me perform

So many tasks and

Exhaust me

Am I a machine?

What do you consider me

Just clarify this much

Remove my doubt

After that make me do

Whatever you wish.


The Sun is more fiery

These days

Ocean turning more fierce

Is crossing limits

Quakes of the earth

Are increasing 

These days

Wind, too, has increased speed

In an abnormal way

Storms with more ferocity

Are causing havoc

Birds shriek these days

Instead of chirping

Clouds forgetting thundering

Are roaring these days

Lightening strikes 

More than usual

Human-beings are getting ill-tempered

Laugh less, speak less

These signs are inauspicious, not good

What do these denote

What do these want to express

These are indications of 

Mishappenings in future

Everything is topsy-turvy

So many happenings are not the way

As these should be

This is a truth

Since ancient times

These occured 

But, so much of anger is not right

It is not good to lose senses like this

O, Representatives of the earth!

Supreme creation of the universe

 Embrace peace

Muse patiently

Find alternative

To embellish 

Whatever is spoiled

Baffled in jittery

Don't  cause any

Don't ignore the root-causes

Try to find solution

For diminishing pollution

Spreading greenery 

To regain

Serene pure environment

Favourable ambience.



Whatsoever we are

Let us remain like that only,

Neither overestimate,

 Nor underestimate


The Sun has his own dignity,

The Moon has his own grace,

If they exchange their attributes

Will lose their recognition.

Let them stick to their identity.

We don't need

Honour and dishonour,

Their entering and exiting

Do not influence us,

Only, we should aspire for


We don't want honour

Dishonour is not acceptable,

We don't want to match us

With anyone else

And, thereby lose

Self -recognition,

Don't deem it as arrogance

Whatsoever, we are

Let us remain like that only

Don't over-estimate

Don't underestimate




Riding on wheels of time

Which way, are we heading?

Tearing under wheels

Grinding our very existence

Just bend and see once

Halt for a moment, observe,

Hundreds of joys are being crushed,

Beyond worldly comforts

View ethereal  beauty.

Just revert and view,

Your love is calling you,

With stiff eyes, waiting for you 

Whole day and night

For those moments, when carefreely 

Beloved glances at her

Snatching away those moments

Flight of time is taking us

Far away

Creeks of heart are getting filled 

With void

Turning blank are 

Relations and concerns.

Lack of time has snatched 

Near and dear ones from us

Pleasing meetings, those get-together,

Long gossips 

That mirth, merry making,

Taking away all fatigue,

Parents now crave for seeing

Their progeny

Derive happiness, my meeting in reveries

 Children go to bed, waiting for parents

In dreams, express their grudging

Tell them their demands, get satisfied.

Friends often converse

But, only on phone

Co-sharing pain and pleasure

Is only a formality.

Roots of *Sanskaras are deep

Hence, persist 

But shrinking by and by

In WhatsApp, face book and e mail

Homes are turning into night-shelter.

Dominance of time has snatched

So much from us.

Descending from chariot of time

Care to view ground

O, supreme creature of this earth!

Physical comforts, internet etc., 

Are for you, you are not for them.

Those are not measuring-scales of 

Your success and comfort,

In craze of touching

Unlimited heights of success,

What is actually desirable

Actually, the most requisite for us are

Peace and happiness

We are ignoring these.

Riding on chariot of time

Towards which direction, are we heading?



In unbending body

Existence of reluctant  heart 

Is a surprise in itself

In joyous mood, flies lightly

Taking distant flights 

Measuring azure 

In each and every moment.

Heaves deep sighs

In moments of desperation,

As if confining fierce storm within.

Stuck with misery

Sinks in pond of desperation

Limitless ocean seems 

A dwarf in front of him.

Aspirations stretch their wings

Flutters wings anxiously

Just like a bird confined in cage

Tries to seek freedom.

In annoyance, emits fire

As if volcanoes are erupting in inner cores.

Moves disoriented

Detached with all


If love overflows

Is not confined in earth

Like flowing wind

Mingles with all

In unbending body

Dwells chameleon-like heart

In itself, a surprise

This chameleon-like heart.



Crazy hope

Moved in quest of

A fistful of light.

Diving in it.


That gets dusty

Often due to pollution,

Diffused all around

Inside and outside

In all four directions

In diverse ways

And why---

All are aware of it

Then, why to repeat

Just ponder over

How to remove 

Its havoc

That is mingling in breath

Like slow poison

Assuming form of diverse frustrations

Stretches in mind

In each and every street

In each and every city

Every *Prahar 

It is getting very difficult 

To breathe and live perfectly

Under such circumstances

Observing effort of

Passionate hope

Why to make fun of her,

Indulged in quest of light

Diffusing it on all

Embellishing herself

She is all set to view

Graceful -beautiful

Inside and outside

Pure and chaste

Pray that efforts are successful

Crazy hope, attaining light

Remain cheerful always

Crazy hope seeks

Fistful of light

Fist remains full of it

Never gets empty.

Hope of all are cherished

All remain joyous

For satiety and happiness


Fistful of hope!

* prahar : In Hindu calculation of time, a day is divided into 8 broader divisions of three hours each, called Prahar.



A gust of urbane wind

Got up to some mischief

And framed a conspiracy,

On slopes of lush green hills

Drew some crisscross lines 

Digging pits

Sowed seeds of concrete 

In a few days, was visible

Plant of concrete,

With passing of few months

Plants assumed shape of 

Solid trees of concrete,

In which,  nests were built by

Creature known as human-being

In the boundaries of wild-animals

Several more fistfuls of seeds 

Were sown

Thrived, flourished and spread

All of these, gradually

A jungle of grand buildings

Grew by and by

Stretching foot in all directions

Changing ethereal beauty of

Lush green hilly slopes

It seems as if

In this race of development

In vying to move ahead 

Hills don't want to leg behind

This is very true

But after gap of some time

These are not identifiable 

When they part with their

Green unique attire

Dyed by colors of modernity

Like sentiments-deprived human- beings

Losing their natural appearance

Lose their ethereal charm as well

Hills don't appear like hills.

Change is the law of universe

Transformations go on

This is called Nature

But, I don't know why

This progress doe not seem progress

Devoid of humane attributes

Human beings don't seem human-beings

Leaving their natural appearance

Without ethereal greenery

Changing looks daily

Hills don't look like hills.

Viewing all this, I saw 

Gust of urbane wind smiling.

Witness to it are time, we and nature

Helplessly observing continually

Hills changing colour

And unhindered transformation.




Solid rocks

Seed extended 

Hands of resolution

Peeping through crevices,

With efflorescence blossoms 

Charming flowers

Hill is ornamented

Just as *tilak fetches glow 

On forehead,

Pleases heart,

Will to live glorifies life,

A flower-vase decorates room

Pours beauty in

Observant eyes

Entrusts winds with fragrance

Imparts a message to life

Entering our hearts, same resolution,


Makes up mind

Assessing inner strength

Own capability

Cleaving rocks

Creates tunnel-like holes

Passes with perspcuity

Across, making tunnel

Entering inside hill

Like invisible super-natural entities

Makes impossible possible

Transmutes subtle into grand

Again folding grand into subtle,

A tiny resolution

Cladding wings of spirit

Whenever flies in

The sky of mind

Miracles happen

Many small and big inventions

Many benevolent deeds

On this earth times again!

*tilak: a mark worn by a Hindu on the forehead to indicate caste or sect, or as an ornament.



Are we living in primitive period

Again, these days,

We did not possess 

Sufficient clothes 

To clad

Foliage from trees 

Hide of animals were used

To serve the purpose of covering body

Clothes were manufactured later on

To cover dignified body.

We still possess clothes

We are human-beings still

Then, why 

We put on limited clothes

Almost naked

Viewing these, 

It seems

We are again 

Dwelling in primitive age.



Clamor all-around

Internal and external,

Clamor and clamor

Prevailing all-around.

Noise of vehicles and factories

Noise of people conversing,

Even forests ae not untouched

By this noise

Beetle, peacock, hawk-cuckoo

Nightingale sings, thrush bird cuckoos

Lions and elephants roar

Gurgling of streams is melodious, but

Clamor is clamor 

Internal and external.

Internal noise is caused by 

Overflowing thoughts

Uncountable fancies 

Dwelling in mind every moment

Worries and doubts about

Past, future and present

Vociferance of

Hundreds of desires

Scrouge to turn into reality

Giggle on accomplishment

Breaths form waves,

Breaths jingle,

Don't remain calm 

Even for a moment

Clamor and clamor 

Prevails everywhere.

Let internal clamor

Remain inside

Let external clamor

Hang outside

Ignoring both

Close your eyes


Arises from soul


Sound of *Anhad

It echoes in apertures

Dissolving Nectar

Sweet sound

Moves in ears

No clamor 

Internal or external.

 *Anhad : the sound of the cosmos and of human consciousness, an ultimate sound that transcends space and time, a sound that has no beginning or end.

15. MASK 


As many characters are 

Confined in a body

Enfolding inside

That much masks

We are moving in this world

Heart is our advisor

As per requirement of occasion

Examining properly

A particular mask

We impose on our face

And get ready.

Success in life

Often depends on

Proper choice of mask

As per circumstance

And efficient demeanor


In process of continually 

Changing masks

We lose our

Original nature by and by

In crowd of characters

It is very troublesome

To identify real countenance

Mask bestowed by nature

Is suppressed under mask

It is necessary to understand

And identify

Natural self-identity

Keep yourself protected from

Worldly masks

Daily, for a few moments

Wear your original mask

For sake of self-upliftment.



I observed, what I had heard

India dwells in villages

Relations flourish here

Under shade of affection

Love and fraternity still exist

Only in villages.

If someone dies,

 No festival or celebration 

Takes place in the whole village.

Rehearsals for performance of *Ramleela 

Are carried more than one month in advance.

It is possible 

Only in village these days

Preparations for wedding of a daughter

Entire village gets involved

Chopping wood

Pruning of grains

Becomes responsibility of every home

Social responsibility 

Still is assumed 

In villages these days.

In case of rift

It is tackled collectively

By persuasion

Honouring the societal conventions

Spiritual rites

Regard for elders

All rituals and customs

All * sanskaras are preserved

In villages, still

I observed, what I had heard

India dwells in villages

* Sanskaras : in Indian Philosophy mental impressions

17.  DREAMS 


Dreams have flourished 

On land of heart

Seem to be very much own, 

Seeds of plenty of dreams

Were sown in eyes

We derive as much pleasure 

As many of them sprout.

Remaining float in eyes

Probing for spreading roots

Keep us encouraging

Keep on hopping

In courtyard of heart

Uncountable  dreams

From groves of dreams

Progress sprouts

Existence of dreams 

Kindles hope

In palaces as well huts

Invokes for efforts

Statues of bones and flesh

Dreams flashing in our eyes

Motivate us to

Quit coziness of quilt

In early morning

In spite of shivering cold

To indulge in hard work

In fiery heat of June

Make is do efforts

These pitiless dreams

Don't let anybody

Dwell in peace

Even for a single moment

Such is charm of these dreams

Keep instigating us

Diffusing  restlessness

Keep us entangled

Make us do miracles.

Inventions are born 

In womb of dreams

Might not provide us anything special

Impart to life

Purpose of living

Due to existence of dreams only

You are you and we are we

Universe is there, there is creativity

All are immersed in bliss

Viewing dreams.

Neither leave dream

Nor, sow 

Dazzling dreams in

Barren eyes of others.

O, heart! Be well aware

This world is a dream

And we ourselves are

Embodied form of 

Dreams viewed by God

Be ready 

To be dream again

Keep sowing dreams

Live dreams

Growing each and every moment

On the land of heart

Plentiful dreams

These dreams seem to be our own.

Let us sow seeds in our eyes

And in eyes of others


And keep sowing

Beautiful dreams.



Pitch darkness

Circulating in veins

Flows out

Within a wink of eyes


In streets and on roads

Everything is lost

In dazzling of

Artificial light,

Under impact of 


Attracted towards 


Indulged in tactics

When can it see and how,

With closed eyes


Diffused in inner cores of heart

Spreading all -around

Constantly gulping


19. KARAN 


Inside everyone is

Hiding a* Karan

A part of  generous karan

Why not bring it into light

And attain sea of satiety.

All of us indulge in various deeds

Throughout the year

Mostly personal 

At times, for near and dear ones too,

How much satisfaction these fetch

Just try to evaluate,

Compare it to satiety

That we derive by

Emancipating others from sufferings

By serving  physically, mentally and financially

Some destitute, at times

On special occasions--festivals

Or, whenever even a fragment of generosity awakens

In Karan, that is hiding inside all of us,

Why not to manifest it 

And secure sea of satiety

Assuming role of Karan everyday.

*Karan: a legendary character in Mahabharta, known for his generous disposition



How does the Earth 

Silently bear

Sharp pointed roots of

Trees, plants

Might be pricking her

Sinking downwards

Pointed claws of


Scratching her for sake of

Creating their burrows in it

For laying foundation of house

Dig her

How much pain

She might be bearing

When vehicles and we run on her

Sleep might be disturbed at night

Still she is too shy to express it

How does this sweet earth

Keep on smiling

Which divine

Miraculous power

Bestows her with this strength,

O, that, we could attain such power

And gain satiety

Remain blessed

Like this earth.



In diverse

Bitter, normal

Soft and shattered

Relation's  *Chakarvyuh

We get entrapped 

Keep on sinking

In hell of unknown ignorance

Self -existence is at stake

In the depths of Chakarvyuh.

We might put utmost efforts

To pull ourselves out of it,

And come out,

Bur, in midway

Start echoing in 

Inner cores of heart

Cracking sounds of 

Shattered relations.

Deafen us 

Curtail our steps

Revolt against 


That are keen on 

Pacing away

From Chakarvyuh of relations.

To find out 

And embellish 



It is hardly feasible

In presence of 

Chakarvyuh of diverse relations.


With its magnetic charm

Attracts us towards 

Illusory net

To entrap

In Diverse

Bitter, normal

Soft and shattered

Relation's Chakaryvuh.

  * Chakravyuh: plotting for a particular situation which can be controlled by the person who is                                creating.


We, you and all are subsisting

In empire of silence.

Silently flowing amidst it

Pure river of occupancy,

We, you and all of us 

Have become its opposite banks.

Innumerable waves of sentiments

Have come to stand-still

Due to lack of exchange of ideas,

Creating impression of cold-war

Attack of anguish

All are tolerating silently

Silent viewers of nature and we ourselves 

Are aghast at this reign of silence.

We, you and all are dwelling 

In this empire of silence

Like good citizens

But, no, this empire is not good

It is fetching restless disposition of mind

Making whole surroundings burdensome.

Come, let us shift somewhere else

Stop living in this empire of silence.

We are two opposite banks of river.

For sake of removing distance and silence

Conversing mutually

While flowing,

Mingle into 

Ocean of good-will

Get in unison

With conciliation

Always live in unison

Wherever  might live

We, you and all

But not at all

In the empire of silence.




Hills turning pale

Imparted the impression ,

Autumn has arrived


From cave of mind

Came out hopping

A bright hope-

Spring is about to follow soon

Started flying up and down

Kite of bubbly feelings

I, too, accompanied them

Viewed from height

Thousands of  streams

Flowing melted

From snow-clad mountains

Pure streams of 

Silvery water

On branches denuded by

Withering foliage

Tender buds blooming

That will bend 

Laden with multi-colored flowers

 Only, after a few days

Gloomy hills

Turning rosy pink

Will bloom merrily

Very soon

I have got clue

Of arrival of Spring

Just now, stealthily

Sneaking away,

I  am peeping around

Whom to disclose 

This breaking news

Spring is about to arrive

Pale, , bored, exhausted faces 

Are visible

Facing blows of preoccupations

Withered, luster-less faces

Pressed under burden of books

Children of modern age

Proficient in knowledge of computer

Will they be able to understand

Meaning of Spring

Will they be able to feel

Hilarity of heart in Spring

Will they be able to fly kites.


Loosen your of modernity 

On generation of today

Lend them sometime

To view

Hills changing attire

To grasp 

Meaning of Spring

To inculcate Spring

In themselves

So that its glory is reflected

On faces of all

And all are smeared 

In impact of Spring.....



Keep us awake at night,

Trouble us in day,

Have their own will

Shout, create noise, daylong

Bother us


More than old persons,

When we don't send them

To orphanage,

Why do we send aged persons

To old age home,

Forgetting their

Incomparable sacrifice and hard work

That they did 

For nurturing us

Probably, beyond their means,

They neither had these much facilities

Nor modern appliances,

We might have bothered them

As much as these children,

Or even more 

They might have sacrificed 

Their sleep and comfort.

Lucky are those

Who dwell under

Shadow of the parents. 

Committing unpardonable sin 

Of sending them to

Old age home

Why do we want to

Become orphan,

In their life-span.

What lessons are we imparting

To future generation.

This notion has reached to us

From western culture

Be aware, timely

O, new era! Mend your ways

And ameliorate conditions

In such a way that

Your country is glorified

On global scene

Raise slogan

Parents are our God!

Parents are our God!



Seeing others

Confine within self

Like a tortoise,

Outer cover appears

In the way, they want to display

Very efficiently

They put cover on themselves,

To hide inner geography,

As if done so many


That might not be


Formalities are dominating

So much on instinctive behaviour

Mutual exchange of thoughts

Has also turned dramatic

Conceal real temperament

Don't give clue to

Fundamental sentiments


Everyone is in loss

Goodness manifested outwardly

Egregious inwardly

Accumulated by and by


Fetches good to none,

All are well aware of it

First of all, contemplate

And be your own friend

Converse with self, with a free mind

Shunning away all puzzlement

Meet with noble-mindedness

Whomever you meet,

Let waves of naturalness 


Discarding frustrations

Let yourself bloom

Like petals of bud

Leaving shrivelling

Like tortoise.



When viewed from summit

View is very charming and pleasant

On serpentine roads

In opposite directions

Fast moving vehicles 

Continuous traffic,

On uneven, wavy roads

Running, panting, creepy

Youth, adults and aged travellers

Diverse forms of vehicles

 Wherefrom,  they have come

Is not known, just as our 

And of other creatures

Previous and next destination

Is not known to us

Raising curtain from this secret is

Equally tough

Where is our next destination and when

Who has got clue to it

Let him reveal it  to us too.

Till then, let us enjoy viewing

This pleasant view of

Traffic of vehicles

Scattered on earth, journey

Of our own and others.




On summit

Vision reaches till far

With a fast pace

Views clean,  refreshed  bright

Serialated mountain range

Overjoyed beholding this beauty

Pleased , sips greenery

Filling cups of eyes to brim

At times, delighted

At times, astonished 

Ponder over

How and when the care-taker of 

Numerous wide-stretched forests,

Gardens-orchids, flower gardens

And our all crops

Comes and takes care of all these

Crop is so abundant 

That it suffices for all creatures

My eyes, moist with gratitude

Gratified to you for satiety, greet you

To the last extent of vision

Viewing ethereal beauty

Blooming farms-fields 

Heart bows in obligation

With a fast pace, eyes view

Life-bestowing nature

Clean, pure and bright.



Reaching on 

Summit of 

Lush green mountain

Glanced downwards

Within a moment

In both eyes

Got confined 

Entire town,

Plains, river, bridge

And serpentine pathways

Passing which

We reached so high,

Capturing this splendid view 

In eyes,

Presented it to heart

Heart accepted it

Viewed, examined, praised,


Passed it to intellect

As gift

Intellect examined it,

And exercised mind,

Thought of locating

Own house in that clicked view,

Failed, but

This attempt did not prove futile

Realization dawned 

About self-identity

That seemed to be very special

Came to realize 

This existence is as much unknown

As his own house

In this entire landscape.

Ego subdued

Internal darkness 

Came to an end

Confusion ended

Got polite

Reaching on 

Summit of 

Lush green mountain.



Sweet like doll

Tiny girl

Plays with handkerchief

In fun,

Draws sketch of life

Creates, discards, embellishes

For hours, folds

Handkerchief , with concentration

Unaware of 

Crowded ambience

And of her future

Moves handkerchief in air

Moving freely, with playful movements

Would cover her head with 

Like a scarf

Keeps it in pocket

Wipes sweat 

Makes a ball and bounces 

Cuddles it

Putting it in form of doll

Puts it on shoulder

Carrying like heavy burden

Walks bending

Pretends to wipe tears with it

Or acting of coughing

Uses it as pillow 

At times, as broom,

Unaware of all.

Is she doing rehearsal of roles

That she has to perform 

Till attaining old age.

This chit of girl is so capable

She is master of diverse forms of art

She is progenitor of all

Even then, treated as unwanted

Why is she despised?

Treated as inauspicious

Why is she killed 

Even before birth?

Doll like sweet,

Tiny baby, unborn girl.

If you have to kill

Kill your sick mentality

Blemished mental attitude

Clumsy malpractices


Such considerations

And reasons of such considerations

Don't kill that doll like

 Sweet tiny girl

Neither before birth

Nor after birth

Or else, 

Human -race will extinguish

Without this sweet tiny girl.



Brick, stones, mortar

Create lovely house,

Love, sacrifice, hard work, patience

Convert house into unique home.

Constructing house is not a cake-walk

Transforming house into home is

More difficult than that,

While strolling, viewed grand buildings

Many palatial houses

Surpassing other in grandeur

But came across, very few homes,

Resources for constructing house enhanced

Virtues that turned house into home 

Are diminishing.

Lest this happens 

Visible all -around are huge houses


Devoid of affectionate ambience

Houses seem like night-shelter

Without fragrance of affinity

Neither yours, nor mine

Houses seem like inhabitation.

To give them appearance of home

O, Mind! Put some efforts

So that houses don't remain sheer houses

And don't vanish all homes

Smeared with love.



Irrelevant of any weather

Indulge in labour, with labourers

Female labourers

Holding children too,

After sunset

Picking twigs

Cooks food on 

Earthen stove

Fetches water from

Government tap

Washes clothes


Relax, taking bath

Sitting comfortably

Indulge in raillery

Exhausted labourers

Don't female labourers 

Get tired?


In all villages

In farm barn

Females lend equal helping hand 

To farmers

Several times

Even more than them

In dusky hours

Carrying lumber on head

Or at times, carrying grass

Return home

Daughters fetch 

Pitcher full of  water

Prepare meals in kitchen

Laughing, conversing, singing

Unitedly mother and daughters


To relax

Father and sons

Walk around leisurely

Discuss politics

Comment on weather

Don't women-folk in villages

Get tired ?


In metropolitans and cities

Whether it be out of need 

Or out of craze 

To do something on own accord

On their own level

Willingly assuming 

Dual responsibility

With social liabilities as well

Women keep on working

Morning to evening

Men do exercise

Go for evening walk

Entertain themselves

In their own distinct ways

Children play, watch T.V.

Ask at times

Why does not mother 

Sit and watch T.V.

Who cares to think and explain

Why don't get tired

Working women?



Black and white

Only these two colours are visible

On snow-clad mountains

That were green till yesterday. 

A little bit sandy, too

For sometime, eyes were closed,

During night itself, this miracle happened

Moon-light covered greenery

Darkness covered sandy soil.

On mountains were visible only two colors

Black and white.

Stretching wings

White-colored birds 

Seemed covering darkness

Diffusing brightness

Become mates of hope

Shine lie rays

On black surface of earth

Take away anguish of mind

Showcasing divine beauty

Only two colors are visible 

Black and white

Both are competing with each other

Snow fell like swabs of cotton

By and by, right in front of the eyes

Moonlight dominated

Mind became cheerful

White colour descended 

On leaves of trees

On courtyard of houses

On terrace, fields,

It seems symbolic of 

Victory of truth

Symbol of peace,

Arrival of happiness

As if eager lover

Waiting for beloved

Apostle of humanity

Resource of cleanliness,

This colour is favourite of all

White and white colour 

Prevalent everywhere 

Till the extent of vision

And on those high mountains

That were green till yesterday.



Involved in criticizing

Whole world spends time

This is means of entertainment

Capable of reforming

Cures like medicine.

It is easy to criticize

But not easy to bear it,

It is not of individuals

It is criticism of their behaviour

Basically, all individuals are almost alike

But appear different 

Due to difference in behaviour

There are so many varieties of behaviour

 Sweet, bitter, sour, spicy

Satirical and serious

Good, bad and mixed

Concocting these

Different kinds of personalities evolve

For falling prey to critics.

Criticizing is easy

But listening to criticism

That too own,

Is so painful and intolerable

It is beneficial as well

If we contemplate on it

It treats our shortcomings

Cautions us, rectifies 

Conduct,- behaviour.

If criticism becomes guide of

Public representatives

Administrative officers

Social reformers

It becomes a means of development

If criticism retains its grace

It is highly appreciable

If turns venomous, it will be fatal.

Destroyer of happiness and peace

Assuming positive form

Let it flow perennially, 

Let it proliferate!

Involved in criticizing

Whole world spends time.



Not only in cities

In villages too,  trend of

An evening walk prevails

Women go for a walk daily

Instead of holding chain of dogs

And mobile, hold sickle in hand

Tying *chunree tightly on head

Risking their lives,

Like brave warriors

In every season, every evening

They go to cut grass,

Conversing with their friends

Moving cautiously, managing escape 

From venomous creatures

Carefully cut

Lush green grass,

Keeping in mind

Likes and dislikes of animals

Just like caring for diverse needs of

Members of family,

Sharing their pleasure and pain

Move their skillful hands,

Discussing about neighbourhood

About farming

With the level of heap of grass rising

Their knowledge enhances,

Many problems of daily life

Get tackled over there,

While cutting grass 

Learns new recipes

During conversation

Many issues are resolved

In the process of tying bundles of grass

Many new plannings  are done

They keep in mind  new tricks

Holding on head

Heavy bundle

Relieving their mind

Recharging their batteries,

Grass fetching them hope

With relaxed facial expression

Depicting ethereal beauty

In dusky hours,

Return with slow pace

From their evening walk, 

Holding sickle in hand.

*chunree : particoloured dupatta, a long stole

35.  PAINT



Interior and exterior 

Decorated, brightened house

Seems pleasant and  beautiful

O, That! Our inner self gets decorated like this.

We get immersed in such a color that

Our conscience glows

Painted by brush of piety

We become very pleasant

Bestow us with such cosmetics

Spots and scars of vice

Get erased

Coated by cover of love

We immerse in it absolutely

Malice of heart

Darkness of ignorance

All are washed away

Let colour of enlightenment

Coat us layer after layer.

36. RED INK 

Explosion of bombe
At times, in this country
At times, in other country
Shattered into pieces
Destroyed, helter-skelter
Remnants, parts of body
Scattered hither-thither
Are screaming and declaring
All these did not face havoc
First of all
Prior to them
Shattered into pieces were humanity
And human aesthesia
And of preaching of all religions
For spreading love, peace and benevolence
Born out of same Divine force
Linked with luminous threads
Human relations 
Shattered into small pieces
Scatter everywhere first of all
Shreds of humanity
Dipped in colour of malice
Float in wind
Then in breeze
At times, of this country
At times, of that country
And drop by drop blood
Oozing from their fragments
Fills red ink in 
Pens of writers
That ink pours out such deadly news
As don't appear tragic to us now
We have got so used to such news
We are not alarmed now
At human tragedies
Ears still listen attentively
But, hearts are not moved now
This is paradox of our century
Or, we have crossed all limits of sinfulness
Red ink is narrating
This catastrophe.




Where have vanished those wings

Golden wings of love!

On dint of those wings

We used to fly 

In the sky of sunny love

Deeming ourselves

Mighty, very mighty 

Easily faced huge storms

Could combat with ordeals

Crossed all the hurdles

With a jovial disposition

Tackling all the abeyance.

Absolutely relaxed were


Worldly sorrows 

Failed to overpower

Came and moved away

Flight got accomplished

With fuel of love

And strong thread of  faith 

In hands of love

Enjoyed flight

With golden wings

With support of it.

Where have these gone now

Let me observe

Wings still exit, but why don't they fly

Lacking enthusiasm, feeble

How this trickiness followed

Got blood spattered

Due to obstinacy for flying

 Let me go near to observe

Oh! So many wounds

How they got it

When and by whom 

Were these inflicted

By our own people or by outsiders

It is no use counting

Why should I blame anyone

Let me accept it as destiny.

To diminish my pain

I should effortfully

Try to find permanent solution.

Fetch divine fuel of

Limitless love

From spiritual power

That never exhausts

On dint of it

Fly and reach far way

Wherever I wish to reach

Never fall into

Hell of desire and delusion

Don' t get entangled in trap of fallacy

I secure such wings of love

As make me feel blessed 

Wander in entire universe

Becoming replica of love

Fly with wings of love

Reach source of love.



Scribbled something on slate

Found some error in it

Rubbed off immediately

Rectified it

Heart derived immense pleasure

We bloomed with satiety.

O, that!

Words originated from tongue,

Invective words

Unpleasant conversation,

Inhumane behaviour

Impact of natural calamity

All bitter experiences,

Could be like words 

Scribbled on slate

Or like words

Typed on computer screen.

Could be modified

Without hurting

Scope remained 

For rectification

On pages of life

Wiping with repentance

From pen of body

Putting ink of good-will

Continually, by and by

Would diffuse cozy

Pearl-like enchanting

Gracious feelings of affection

That would suffice to build

Bridge between relations

In the entire world,

O, that!

Our expressions could be

Like words 

Scribbled on slate 

Or typed on computer screen

That could be prettified, rectified,

Spread all-around




Joy and bliss. 

39. NEWS


Move away, move away, O, winds!

Don't bring such news,

As makes us bow our head with shame

And aghast

Our eyes remain wide-opened.

We used to wait enthusiastically

For news

Elaborate reviews

Fetched us satisfaction.

Presently, such news are

Overcasting newspapers

Such headlines, such details.


Existence of humanity

Shameful news

News of violence and cruelty.

Dignified pen feels ashamed 

In describing such events

Such weird news

Such titles are becoming

Part of newspapers.

Why anecdotage of all cities?

Such conditions, such questions

Cause a lingering agony

Wiggle our intellect,

Cause anguish,

Why are coming in forefront

Unpleasant news of 

Inhumane instincts

Reproachable deeds?

Why our thoughts are getting illiberal?

Why are we getting narrow-minded?

Our behaviour is perverted

And circulated more and more.

Our glorious culture 

That held super most 

Humane relations

And national interest

Is getting blemished.

Why, but, why?

Steps of our society are moving

Towards declination,

O, new era! Contemplate

Find some solutions

That we don't get such news

As mislead our present

Misguide and bewilder 

Unpleasant, provoking news.

O, Winds! Cause some miracle

Fetch us auspicious news

That make our heart enthusiastic

Circulate pleasant hope

Fetch, good news, O, Winds!

So that our country does not have

To downcast head, in shame.

Fetch pleasant news

Move away, O, winds! Move away.




Boundaries of time

I cross silently

As often, all do

Roaming in sea of time.

Peeping in dreamy eyes of children

I re-live my childhood

In the listless eyes of my mother

Struggling for self-respect

I live my future.

Childhood and mature age mingle in me

Breaking hard shackles of 

Boundaries of time,

Makes me like time

And I keep on swinging continually

In boundaries of childhood

In dreams of old age

I peep into eyes of

Mother and children

Probe for myself in it

And touch finally

 Past and future of

My human existence

In my body

Transcending limits of time

Howsoever I wish, whenever I wish

Live any moment in a way

In which all of us 

Always struggle 

For upliftment.

Stealing strength and virtues of

Both the periods

Like an observer

Enjoy crossing the limits of time

This is feasible for all

If they plan 

To cross boundaries of time

Just as I silently


All boundaries of time.



Chirping of birds

Bellowing of cows

Sound of blowing of conches

Ringing of bells

Fragrance of flowers

Touches sleeping nostrils

Smell of sautéing

Rattling of utensils

All combined

Open eyes

That were closed



Eyelashes uplift

Orangish light spreads

Languid childhood gets up

Youth yawns

Delicately, slowly

Relaxing, without any flurry

The village wakes up

Without any alarm

In a natural way

With a pleasing tone

The village awakens

By and by, on its own

Gets ready

With a cool disposition

To enjoy abundantly

Sun and shade of

Upcoming time.



In hills, opening doors 

Every early morning,


Colourful birds 

Wish Good Morning

Blossoms bow down 

To greet you

Pure cool breeze

Touching softly

Fills freshness in eyes 

Slowly and gradually

Transmits enthusiasm and energy

In body and mind,

For performing daily chores,

Pleasant viewing 

High-low hills

Every morning

Prepare us for facing 

Ups and downs of life,

Some rare moments

In vicinity of nature

Are sufficient to tackle

Minor-major targets daylong

That are foundation of

Minor and major accomplishments

Even if, we fail to attain targets,

Virtual feeling of efforts

Nurturing self-satisfaction

Reflects in glowing faces

Peaceful, satisfied, pleased

In hills, early morning.

Vigourously shakes

Ecstatic sleep, at times,

Doubtful thoughts

Hearing distant echo of explosion

Bosom of hill has been

Shattered by some ammunition.

Stripping hills

Layer after layer,

For constructing houses, offices

Dams and night-shelters

Destroying nests, dwelling places

Making wild beasts shelterless

Turning earth into barren land

Denuding hills,

Snatching their green attire

If not stopped immediately

Devoid on day, will be

Progeny of present

Of gaining energy constantly.



The Creator created

A huge world,

Provided food to

Innumerable creatures

Love and affection to all

How mean is human-being

And a bit more mean is

His  narrow-mindedness

He builds a house

Or inherits it

Does not tolerate presence of

Kith and kin in it

He possesses everything

Lest anything gets dirty

With touch of 

His own people

Lest his comfort is interfered

He is not able to tolerate 

Their interference

Who are actually 

Born out of same source

Of which breed he is.

Erecting walls of selfishness

They set limits in between

Big and small houses

Without thinking even once

God has not created any wall

After construction of which

Affection is divided.

To flourish like fragrance

Who requires 


Fragrant huge world

Untouched by meanness

Inside and outside of hearts.



Shivering with cold

On a lethargic holiday

Cozy golden rays of the Sun

Cajoled lotus-like face of 

Shivering dawn



Moving slowly

Sheet of fog

Studded with beads of dew

Dawn rose

And with its light

Awakened, patting

The ground, half asleep

As it got fully awake, by and by

Children who had been waiting

Teen-agers, youth

Forming groups 

With their companions

Taking along with them

Cricket, foot-ball

Skipping rope-badminton 

And other items

Landed in the ground

Ripe-aged persons , too

Came out for strolling

Accompanying them were

Groups of swans and birds 

Some persons came to lounge

Some for stretching their bodies

Some came to play cards

Or to read newspaper

Women-folk, after completing chores

Fetching crochets and knitting pins

Groundnuts-* revari

Came to relax

Houses on all sides

Seemed deserted ,

Appeared viewing with jealousy

Ground, full of hustle-bustle

Still, having much of empty space,

This huge ground is evidence of

Countless festivals and fairs

And historical events.

So much, tolerant, so polite

As great as it is huge.

O, that courtyards of our hearts

Too get so huge 

To accommodate

Affection and love of

All creatures, 

Our own and strangers

O, Huge ground!

Give us this boon

All become as great as you!

* Revari : a sweet dish prepared with jaggery and seeds of seasame.



If others, cause harm to you,

Let them do so

Why should we leave helping others

If others, don't mend their ways

Let it be so, just ponder over it

We should improvise ourselves

Even if, unable to do favour to anyone

At least, should not cause harm 

Blessed with human entity

If we don't help others

Undoubtedly, repentance will prevail

If we harm someone

It will be a heinous crime    

From social point of view 

Whether we get punishment or acquittal

 In the court of conscience 

We will be culprit life-long    

We should not be ashamed of ourselves

We should live with our head held high

Live life with this firm determination

Let others cause harm, if they wish

We should not leave noble deeds.



Time is a labyrinth

We get entrapped in it

Fail to break it

Are all of us *Abhimanyu?

Keep on moving, performing deeds

Till me meet 

Our destined end

We live in ignorance

Sipping each and every drop of life

Deeming every drop as last

Toil hard

With full dedication

Rising above doubts

Derive from each and every moment

Gift of thousands of moments

Wasted so far

Get emancipated from debt

Live every moment of life


Roam around merrily

With decency like Arjun

In the labyrinth of time


Keep on working hard

Till time sets us 

Free from labyrinth

Getting defeated from us


Abhimanyu : a warrior described in  the ancient Hindu epic Mahabharata, who after getting entrapped in Chakarvyuh ( Labyrinth) exhibited amazing bravery in the conflict.



O! Wave of pang

Revert to your source of origin

Twinge, longing, restlessness, prick

And all kith, kin, friends

Take away with you entire clan.

O, wave of pang, hark!

You are not bad, you are loveable to

Your kindred

Stay under their umbrage

Your elders might have 

Imparted you a piece of advice

That you should not go anywhere uninvited

Pay due respect to precious time of others

Else, be prepared to bear offense

Or be prepared to listen to Prayers

Just as we are doing

All are not so spirituelle

We are politely pleading you

Go back, O! Wave of pang

To your own world, your habitat

And seek endearment of your own loved ones

It is neither good to do nor bear abomination

Neither do bad, nor let others do bad to you

Do good and make others do good to you.

Go back, O! Wave of pang

We are already suffering a lot

This world is ocean of misery

To get rid of these sufferings

Your departure will be supportive

Move back, move away, O! Wave of pang.

Along with twinge, longing, restlessness, prick

And all kith, kin, friends

O! Wave of pang

Revert to your source of origin

So that our world gets prosperity again

We will be obliged to you

Move back, move back 

O! Wave of pang.

Don't ever cross 

Your boundary again.

Don't allocate suffering to anybody

Don't inflict such wounds 

Even  to your own loved ones

As are difficult to heal

Throughout life

O! Dear wave of pang

Hope, you understood 

We  have common munificent

All are related mutually

For sake of that relation

Take path to your own habitat

I plead you to return

O! Wave of pang.

Dwell merrily in your town.

It is customary to give parting gift,

I am gifting you well wishes

Fetch along and move to your destination

So that, world views dawn of comfort

O! Wave of pang.

Say adieu to us.



Thousands of  unique diamonds

So beautiful and bright

Who diffused,

O. Night! Disclose to me.

Did *kuber shower 

These transparent delicate pearls?

With advent of dawn, eyes witnessed 

O, Sun God! Halt a while

Send a fairy

Instructing her 

To make them real

With touch of her magical wand

I will hold plenty of these in fist

And scatter 

Over colony  of destitute 

Lethargic, disappointed eyes

Will brighten up like pearls

After that, you rise

O, Sun! And 

At time of sunset

Instruct night

To scatter continually

Beautiful diamonds and pearls.

*Kuber : God of wealth, in Hindu Mythology

49.  JOY


Firstly, some run

Chasing joy,

Others follow them.


Petty joys are derived

Faces bloom with happiness

For a few moments, few days, 

Then, wither

Thinking, why others

Fetched more, 

Competition starts, 

For moving ahead,

Mental turmoil begins

Blind race starts

Some stumbled headlong

Trampling them,

Many moved ahead

To gain temporary happiness

Some curtailed their steps

Some hands bent down

To lift trodden beings 

To caress them affectionately

To let them move side by side

To help them move ahead

They gained

Divine pleasure,

Utter happiness

Permanent satiety 

Real joy

Termed as bliss-

What is this exactly?

Only he knows,

Who has experienced it

This is awakening.

Who so ever, they might be,

What will they gain

Who move on 

Trampling others,

For sake of momentary pleasure

That is transient only

They remain unaware of

Trance of delight

Oh, how unfortunate are they!

Who blindly chase happiness.

They will keep on racing

If they don't awaken.




With affectionate touch of


Melt glaciers

Seem to be declaring,

Softness exists even in 

Rigid hearts

Whether it be solid snow

Or rigid heart


In close vicinity 

Of warmth of love.

Keep intact 

This warmth

To make life lively

Save love

Keep on distributing, enhancing

Happiness, willingly.

Be like affectionate touch 

And spread like sun-rays 

Disperse love

So that melt away 

Hatred, jealousy -malice

Let only love persist


Let its warmth diffuse all-around.


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