kavita: Hindi poem by Shakuntala Sharma English version: Rajni Chhabra
Crossing ....transcending
Plenty of endeavours
And artificiality
Crossing bumpy roads
Ornamenting vacuous crowns of words
And brain storming
In this modern hectic life
Fetches smoothness in roughness
Poem illustrates in
My heart
In your heart
Your happiness
My agony
Affinity of all
Peeps into heart
Crossing through window
Gathers all
Encircles all
In crowded * choupal
In midst of road
Standing aloof
Waving her hand
Dancing in a trance
Stretching her hands towards sky
Sipping nectar of satiety
All of us are reflected in her
Why are you dragging her towards tracks
Wherefrom, we never treaded
Wherever we move
She has to remain there only
Poem ...is
A young popsy
A pink frock
A dimple on cheek of my neighbour
A camel-cart of *Cheetar
Poem is playmate of
All of us
A lively colourful pattern
Of life.
Whatever dwells in
Inner cores of heart
Weights it on scale of brain
Then she pleads something from there
And brings out what she had nurtured
All the process is pleasant
Nothing is dull
All this is
Immense pleasure.
* Choupal: place for public gathering in village
*Cheetar: a name
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