Juno Darkhat: Rajasthani poem by Shakuntala Sharma English version: Rajni Chhabra
In orchids -gardens
Near fence of fields
You will come across
An old tree
Stretched wide
Branches as if
Stretched arms
Playfully flying
Sparrows chirped
Day and night
Settled there at night
To sleep
A sparrow fluttering
Approached that mature tree
The tree laughed and said
Crazy bird, tell me
What do you want to say
Grandfather, O, grandfather!
Listen to me today
Our dwelling place
Is being continually
Snatched by human-being
Wherever, we go to play
Wherever, we settle
He reaches there
This venomous human-being
How can we make them understand
Wherever, he sees flourishing trees
Reaches there and cuts them
Uproots whole garden
Builds his huge castles
Tell me
O, Grandfather!
How can we mange to survive
O, Grandfather!
God has bestowed everyone with food
Why human-beings are snatching it from others
Why do they torture you
I am an old tree
All of you are my children
Come, sit on my branches
A vehicle reached noisily
In blink of an eyes
Cut the tree
Now, misfortune landed on birds
The old tree wept
His sayings were ignored
Flying birds too cried
Womb of nature was destroyed
Following felling of trees
Cool wind got annoyed
Scorching winds started blowing
Intolerable high temperature followed
Clouds, too, disappeared
People were dying of thirst
People were starving
And lamented in the inner cores of heart
Why did they cut those trees
Could not understand
Be alert, be cautious now
This is urge of nature
The tree kept on imploring
Birds flew far away
Where have vanished sayings of heart
O, human-being, pay heed to
What the old tree had said
What the old tree had said.
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