Sky Is the Limit: The Poetry of Hope and Awareness : PREVIEW by M.A. Rathore
PREVIEW Sky Is the Limit: The Poetry of Hope and Awareness 'The Sky is Limit' by Rajni Chhabra is a landmark Anthology of Rajasthani Poems, translated by her into English, tinged with the placid beauty of diction and wordsmithery. The book is rounded out by many budding as well as the famous signatures of Rajasthani Poetry. Many people feel a strong urge to write and a considerable proportion of them have a desire to express their thoughts and feelings through the powerful, often emotive medium of poetry. The poetry she published in the past couple of years is pleasingly diverse, recognizable and has a unifying style. The poems in this new book engage in various formal and thematic experiments and yet the works embody the same spirit and sing with the same voice. She tends to reach peak intensity in larger works that afford her the space to stretch out, gather momentum and amplify resonance. In an era when there is a great temptation to offer consoling sentiments, she...